March 18, 2022
ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to Yasin Dagdas
The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded a Consolidator Grant to Yasin Dagdas, group leader at the Gregor Mendel Institute (GMI) of Molecular Plant Biology and member of our Special Research Program, to investigate the role of autophagy in the rescue of stalled ribosome.
Yasin Dagdas and his team recently found that stalled membrane-bound ribosomes trigger a stress response that involves autophagy. Now an ERC Consolidator Grant will support them to unravel the molecular details of this ribosome rescue mechanism.
Yasin Dagdas is group leader at the GMI since 2017 and member of our FWF funded Special Research Program in Targeted Protein Degradation. His group’s research is focused on autophagy-mediated cellular quality control mechanisms. Read more about his work at the GMI and his project within our Special Research Program.
Read here an interview with Yasin Dagdas by the GMI-IMBA Communications & Partnerships.
The ERC is a highly prestigious funding body of the European Union. The ERC’s mission is to facilitate the highest quality of research across all fields in Europe through competitive funding. ERC grants have developed into one of the most highly regarded marks of distinction for scientists in participating countries.
