September 11, 2024

Open PhD student positions – Vienna BioCenter PhD Program

The Vienna BioCenter PhD Program in Molecular Biosciences has opened its Autumn Call 2024 now. Alwin Köhler (Max Perutz Labs) and David Haselbach (IMP), members of our Special Research Program (SFB) in Targeted Protein Degradation, are among the groups recruiting new PhD students. Application deadline is 15 October 2024.

The Vienna BioCenter PhD Program is a doctoral school of the University of Vienna in collaboration with the Max Perutz Labs, the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), and the Gregor Mendel Institute (GMI) and the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA) of the Austrian Academy of Science.


In the current Autumn Call 2024, among the open PhD student positions, two are in labs participating in the SFB Targeted Protein Degradation. The SFB group leaders recruiting PhD students now are:


David Haselbach (IMP)
Alwin Köhler (Max Perutz Labs)


Selected PhD students in these labs will not only profit from all the training benefits offered by the VBC PhD Program, but additionally, by joining one of the groups of our SFB consortium, will become part of and learn from a collaborative and supportive network of researchers who study mechanisms of targeted protein degradation and how this process can be manipulated by an array of different methods and in a range of different model organisms.


For more information about the Vienna BioCenter PhD Program and how to apply, please see here: