Ubiquitin & Friends Symposium 2024

In 2024, the “Ubiquitin & Friends Symposium” marked its 10th anniversary and brought together long-term as well as news friends of ubiquitin/Ubl biology, protein quality control and targeted protein degradation research where experts and novices from various academic levels interacted in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The symposium was organized by the SFB Targeted Protein Degradation (lead institution: University of Vienna) and took place on 2-3 May 2024 in the “Van Swieten Saal” in Vienna’s 9th district, close to Vienna’s city center.

Thanks to the guest speakers (see below), the many excellent abstracts received for short talk selection and the lively poster sessions preceded by flash talks, an exciting program could be created (see link to pdf below). The symposium was overbooked ahead of the announced registration deadline, which guaranteed a full house and lively setting. We regret that some who would like to join could not do so due to the early overbooking.

Symposium Program 2024 (pdf)

Symposium Poster 2024 (jpg)

Poster design by Philipp Dexheimer.

Guest Speakers 2024

Elvan Böke (CRG, Barcelona)
Rubén Fernández-Busnadiego (University Medical Center Göttingen)
Daniel Finley (Harvard Medical School, Boston)
Fumiyo Ikeda (Osaka Universty)
Yogesh Kulathu (MRC PPU, University of Dundee)
Andreas Martin (University of California, Berkeley)
Yifat Merbl (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot)
Kontanze Winklhofer (Ruhr University Bochum)

Best Short Talk 2024

Cole Sitron (Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried)

Best Posters 2024

Amy Campbell (University of Montreal)
Victoria Faas (IMP – Resesarch Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna)
Apurva Saha (Ruhr University Bochum)

Travel Grant Awards 2024

Maria Gierisch (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm)
Clara Inghelram (FMI Basel)
Julio Liu (University of Copenhagen)
Jakub Luptak (MRC LMB, Cambridge)
Dominik Priesmann (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby)

PhD Students Organizing Committee 2024

Alibek Abdrakhmanov (GMI), Bernd Bauer (Max Perutz Labs), Lillie Bell (IMP), Victoria Faas (IMP), Anastasia Okun (Max Perutz Labs), Caroline Schätz (CeMM)